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Why Is My Vape Spitting?

Why Is My Vape Spitting

So you’ve been vaping for a while now and everything has been going smoothly. But then, out of nowhere, your vape starts spitting and crackling. Not only is it annoying, but it can also be dangerous if hot e-liquid gets into your mouth. So, what’s causing your vape to spit and how can you fix it?

There are several reasons why your vape may start spitting. One of the most common causes is a flooded coil. This happens when too much e-liquid gets into the coil and it can’t vaporize it all at once. As a result, the excess liquid spits back up through the mouthpiece. Another possible cause is a faulty coil. If your coil is old or has been used for a while, it may be time to replace it.

But don’t worry, fixing a spitting vape is usually pretty easy. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most common causes of vape spitting and how you can fix them. So, whether you’re a seasoned vaper or just starting out, read on to find out how to stop your vape from spitting and crackling.

The Mysterious World of Vape Spitting

So, you’ve been happily vaping away, enjoying the smooth clouds of vapor, when suddenly, your vape starts spitting and crackling. What gives? Why is your trusty vape suddenly acting up?

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Well, fear not, dear vaper, for you are not alone. Vape spitting is a common problem that many vapers face, and it can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are some of the most common reasons why your vape might be spitting and how to fix it:

  • Flooded Coil: One of the primary culprits of vape spitting is a flooded coil. This occurs when too much e-liquid is absorbed into the wick, causing it to overflow and spit out of the mouthpiece. To fix this issue, try gently blowing through the drip tip without firing the device to clear excess e-liquid.
  • Low Wattage Setting: Another common cause of vape spitting is running your vape at too low of a wattage. When the wattage setting is too low, the heating element takes a while to get the vape coil to reach vapor-generating heat. This can cause e-liquid to accumulate in the coil, leading to spitting and crackling. Try increasing the wattage setting to see if this helps.
  • Caramelized Cotton: Over time, the cotton in your vape coil can become caramelized, causing it to become sodden with vape fluid and incapable of effectively soaking up new juice. This can lead to spitting and crackling. If this is the case, it’s time to replace your coil.
  • Over-Priming the Wick: Some vapers believe they can hurry along the priming of a new coil by thoroughly soaking the cotton beforehand. However, over-priming can lead to a flooded coil and spitting. To avoid this, prime your coil with a few drops of e-liquid and let it sit for a few minutes before vaping.

In conclusion, vape spitting can be a frustrating problem, but it’s not an insurmountable one. By understanding the common causes of vape spitting and how to fix them, you can keep your vape running smoothly and enjoyably.

The Real Culprit: Flooded Atomizer

What is a Flooded Atomizer?

A flooded atomizer is when there is too much e-liquid in your atomizer. Your atomizer has a wick that brings e-liquid to the coils and a well that holds a bit of excess e-liquid. If you add more e-liquid than the well can hold, e-liquid will probably leak out of the atomizer. This is what we call a flooded atomizer.

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How Does It Cause Spitting?

When you vape with a flooded atomizer, the excess e-liquid can cause spitting and popping. The e-liquid can get into the chimney and mix with the vapor, causing it to spit out of the mouthpiece. This can be annoying and even dangerous, as it can burn your tongue or lips.

To fix a flooded atomizer, you need to remove the excess e-liquid. You can do this by blowing into the atomizer or using a paper towel to soak up the excess e-liquid. You can also try vaping at a lower wattage to prevent the atomizer from flooding in the first place.

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Remember, a flooded atomizer is not the end of the world. With a little bit of patience and some know-how, you can fix it and get back to vaping in no time.

The Role of E-Liquid

If you’re experiencing a spitting vape, the e-liquid you’re using could be the culprit. Here are a couple of ways that e-liquid can contribute to the problem:

Too Thin E-Liquid?

If your e-liquid is too thin, it can easily flood your atomizer and cause spitting. This is because the wick and coil can’t absorb the liquid fast enough, leading to oversaturation. To avoid this, make sure you’re using e-liquids with the right VG/PG ratio for your atomizer.

Overfilling: An Invitation to Spit

When you overfill your tank, you’re just asking for trouble. Not only can it lead to flooding and gurgling, but it can also cause spitting. This is because the excess e-liquid can easily find its way into the coil and cause oversaturation. To avoid this, make sure you’re filling your tank to the recommended level and not exceeding it.

Remember, e-liquid is an important part of your vaping experience, but it can also be the cause of your spitting woes. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be on your way to a smoother, more enjoyable vape.

The Art of Inhaling

Fast vs Slow Inhale

When it comes to inhaling your vape, you have two options: fast or slow. A fast inhale will produce a larger cloud, but it can also lead to spitting and popping. This is because the increased airflow can cause more e-juice to rise into the chamber, resulting in a flooded coil. On the other hand, a slow inhale will produce a smaller cloud, but it can help prevent spitting and popping. By taking your time, you give the e-juice more time to be absorbed by the cotton, reducing the likelihood of flooding.

The Right Way to Inhale

Believe it or not, there is a right way to inhale your vape. It’s all about finding the sweet spot between too much and too little airflow. If you inhale too hard, you risk flooding the coil and causing spitting and popping. If you inhale too softly, you won’t get enough vapor. The key is to find the perfect balance.

To find the right airflow for you, start by taking a slow, steady inhale. Pay attention to how much vapor you’re getting and how it feels. If it feels too harsh, you might need to adjust the airflow to reduce the amount of vapor you’re inhaling. If it feels too weak, you might need to increase the airflow to get more vapor.

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Once you’ve found the right airflow, focus on taking slow, steady inhales. This will give the e-juice more time to be absorbed by the cotton, reducing the likelihood of flooding. And remember, always take your time when inhaling. Rushing can lead to spitting and popping, which is never a pleasant experience.

The Power Game: Wattage and Coil

High Wattage: Friend or Foe?

When it comes to vaping, wattage can make all the difference. Too high of a wattage and you may experience a burnt taste, too low and you may not be getting the full flavor of your e-juice. But what about spitting? Can wattage affect that too?

The answer is yes, wattage can play a role in causing your vape to spit. When you vape at a high wattage, you are essentially boiling your e-juice, which can cause it to spit and pop. So, while high wattage may give you bigger clouds and a stronger hit, it can also lead to a spitting vape.

Coil Resistance and Spitting

Coil resistance is another factor that can contribute to a spitting vape. If your coil resistance is too low, you may experience spitting and popping. This is because a low resistance coil heats up faster and can cause your e-juice to boil and spit.

On the other hand, if your coil resistance is too high, you may not be getting enough heat to properly vaporize your e-juice, which can also lead to spitting. So, finding the right coil resistance for your vaping style is key to avoiding a spitting vape.

In summary, wattage and coil resistance can both play a role in causing your vape to spit. Finding the right balance between the two is key to a smooth and enjoyable vaping experience.

Preventing the Spit: Maintenance and Usage Tips

If you’re tired of dealing with a spitting vape, it’s time to take preventative measures. Here are some tips for maintaining and using your vape properly to prevent spitting.

Regular Cleaning

Cleaning your vape regularly is a crucial step in preventing spitting. Make sure to clean your device thoroughly at least once a week. This includes the tank, coil, and mouthpiece. Use a cotton swab or cloth to clean the inside of the tank and mouthpiece. For the coil, remove it from the tank and rinse it under running water.

Proper Storage

Proper storage of your vape can also help prevent spitting. Store your device in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. This will prevent the e-liquid from overheating and boiling, which can cause spitting.

Right Usage

Using your vape properly is also important in preventing spitting. Here are some usage tips:

  • Avoid over-priming your coil. Priming your coil is important, but too much e-liquid can cause flooding and lead to spitting. Find the right balance for your device.
  • Don’t chain vape. Give your device time to cool down between puffs. Chain vaping can cause the coil to overheat and lead to spitting.
  • Use the right wattage. Low wattage can cause the coil to take longer to reach vapor-generating heat, which can cause spitting. Make sure to use the recommended wattage for your device.
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By following these maintenance and usage tips, you can prevent your vape from spitting and enjoy a smooth vaping experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my vape sound like it’s beatboxing?

If your vape is making a beatboxing sound, it’s likely due to a flooded coil. This can happen if you overprime your coil or if you take too many hits in quick succession. To fix this issue, try flicking your vape downwards onto a paper towel to remove any excess e-liquid. You can also try reducing your wattage or taking longer breaks between hits to give your coil time to recover.

Why is my vape trying to play hot potato with my mouth?

If your vape is spitting hot e-liquid into your mouth, it’s likely due to a flooded coil or high airflow settings. To fix this issue, try cleaning your vape device’s chimney to remove any excess e-liquid that may be collecting there. You can also try reducing your airflow settings or using a different e-liquid to see if that helps.

Why does my vape think I’m a human spittoon?

If your vape is spitting e-liquid out of the mouthpiece, it’s likely due to a flooded coil or overpriming. To fix this issue, try flicking your vape downwards onto a paper towel to remove any excess e-liquid. You can also try reducing your wattage or taking longer breaks between hits to give your coil time to recover.

Why is my vape auditioning for the role of a sizzling skillet?

If your vape is making a sizzling sound, it’s likely due to excess e-liquid on your coil. This can happen if you overprime your coil or if you take too many hits in quick succession. To fix this issue, try flicking your vape downwards onto a paper towel to remove any excess e-liquid. You can also try reducing your wattage or taking longer breaks between hits to give your coil time to recover.

Why does my vape sound like a tiny volcano?

If your vape is making a popping or crackling sound, it’s likely due to excess e-liquid on your coil. This can happen if you overprime your coil or if you take too many hits in quick succession. To fix this issue, try flicking your vape downwards onto a paper towel to remove any excess e-liquid. You can also try reducing your wattage or taking longer breaks between hits to give your coil time to recover.

Why is my vape trying to recreate the sound of a bubbling cauldron?

If your vape is making a gurgling sound, it’s likely due to excess e-liquid in your tank or a flooded coil. To fix this issue, try cleaning your vape device’s chimney and reducing your wattage. You can also try taking slower, longer hits to give your coil time to vaporize the e-liquid more efficiently.

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